Artificial Intelligence. Done Smarter.


Together, let’s make your products smarter. Your customer experiences more exceptional. Your people more productive. Your processes more profitable. And your systems more powerful.

Recent News


March 9th, Dublin, Ireland: KantanMT has announced that it has appointed Jim Nolan as its new sales and business development manager. Jim …


5th January 2021: KantanMT is pleased to announce the release of its updated connector for SDL Trados Studio, which enables users of …


24 November 2020: KantanMT is pleased to announce an updated connector for industry-leading translation management system, memoQ as part of memoQ 9.6 which is due for release …


November 1st, 2020, Dublin, Ireland: KantanMT announces the appointment of Dominick Kelly as Technical Solutions Sales Director. With the ever-growing technology ecosystem at …


2nd October, 2020: KantanMT and Wordbee are pleased to announce the launch of a new connector which will allow Wordbee users to access Neural Machine …


August 10th, Dublin, Ireland: An European funded consortium, made up of KantanMT, and other leading MT and NLP companies Pangeanic and Tilde …


8th June, Dublin, Ireland: Progressive contact centers can now use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create memorable multilingual customer engagements. KantanSkynet is a …


May 18th, Dublin, Ireland: KantanMT has launched a new add-in for the Zendesk Support Platform. The KantanSkynet Zendesk Multilingual Chat plug-in is now available on …


March 30th, Dublin, Ireland: KantanMT has introduced a new role of “Reviewer” on KantanSkynet, an AI enhanced post-editing platform powered by a …


March 9th, Dublin, Ireland: KantanMT has announced that it has appointed Jim Nolan as its new sales and business development manager. Jim …


February 10th, Dublin, Ireland: KantanMT has announced that it has developed a new interface for its machine translation platform that supports the …


February 3rd, Dublin, Ireland: KantanMT has announced the release of an AI enhanced dashboard for the KantanSkynet platform. The dashboard uses AI …

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